Gloves are among the hardest patterns to stitch, and high quality gloves are stitched by hand. Marvelous Designer doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to gloves. Many users have a terrible time with this task. It’s easy to trap the pattern inside the avatar while sewing seams (what I affectionately call pattern osmosis), or experience broken geometry as a result.
This is a task that is much more intuitive for those who have real-life experience. Unlike many other garments that benefit from cheating in MD, gloves are strongest when they’re built true to an actual pattern.
An actual glove pattern versus one of my MD patterns. Depending on the kind of glove being built, different patterns may be used.
There is, however, one cheat that I highly recommend in Marvelous Designer. Many practical glove patterns are cut ‘on the fold’ at the pinkie, meaning the top and bottom of the glove are mirrored in a single pattern piece (pictured below). Because of how the pattern pieces are pinned to the avatar in preparation to stitch, I suggest separating these into two separate pattern pieces.
So! Things to note in this tutorial:
- How to pin a glove to the hand effectively
- How to resize gloves while stitching
- When to fuss over pattern osmosis
- The order in which to stitch each seam
If you have any questions, please direct them to Gwyn at The Talking Threads!